Train passenger carrying radioactive baggage from Moscow
In Belgorod Region, boarder guards detained the passenger with radioactive baggage.
According to the Federal Customs Service of the RF (FCS), while passenger train No17 Moscow – Sevastopol was under radiation control at railroad checking point Dolbino, Belgorod Customs, the stationary customs radioactive monitoring system was triggered. The system also identified the carriage, which contained a radioactive source.
Belgorod customs officers examined the suspicious carriage with hand-held radiation monitors and discovered two sensors of radio isotopic ice detectors, which are installed on planes and helicopters, contained in a cardboard box in the hand luggage of a Ukrainian citizen.
FCS spokesman reported that ionizing radiation on the box surface was 280 times higher than the natural radioactive background. The sensors had a notice “Warning! Radioactive!” and a sign of radioactive hazard.
According to the conclusion made by the experts of the Hygienic and Epidemiological Center of Belgorod Region, the sensors appeared to be sealed radionuclide sources, which can be handled only by those specialists who have a special licence. FCS spokesman noted that these sources are permitted outside Russia only upon presentation of a special licence, which the passenger did not have.
The above became the ground for institution of a legal case against Art.188 P.2 of the Criminal Code of the RF (contraband). The sensors have been withdrawn and placed in a specially equipped area.ssage
See "Yantars"in action" for further information on detection of radioactive materials by Yantar systems.